Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wedding loans amongst Muslims on the rise helps you compare the best credit card offers, balance transfer plans, and personal loans in Malaysia. Proceed with the application online with us, it's easy and quick.

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Wedding loans amongst Muslims on the rise

Just a month ago in July, RinggitPlus asked the question; should you take a personal loan to fund your wedding? Although opinions varied, there were those willing to take out debt for their big day. Commenters on the article didn’t agree and deemed the practice imprudent.

However, Kosmo! reported yesterday that there is a significant number of Muslims taking personal loans of between RM50,000 to RM85,000 to get married. The report featured stories from people of differing backgrounds providing details of their marriage and what led them to seeking out debt for their nuptials.

Amongst the reasons for ballooning wedding costs include the dowry required; lack of savings due to early marriage and in some instances – to impress the new in-laws.

In response to the news, the Ministry for Women, Family and Community Development urged youngsters to budget within their means for their weddings and spend accordingly.

“Kosmo! reported the worrying trend of young Muslim couples being in debt after taking personal banks loans of between RM50,000 to RM85,000 to get married.

Harun, 25, from Shah Alam, took a RM85,000 loan to get married early last year.

Another fellow debtor is 32-year-old civil servant Amran from Johor Baru who took a RM50,000 loan to get married five years ago.

He said he took the loan for a large dowry and lavish wedding reception as his wife was from a well-to-do family.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim advised young couples to budget for their weddings according to their means, adding that those wishing to marry can participate in the ministry’s Smart-Start Pre-Marriage programme for guidance on efforts to set up a home.”

A month before, Kosmo! reported on the rising costs of wedding ceremonies: RM4000 as the base amount for an engagement and RM20,000 and up for the actual wedding day.

Looking at the exorbitant costs, it’s no wonder that many are forced to resort to personal loans. Is there some way to reduce this cost or is a personal loan the only way to go for now until affordability or salaries start increasing?

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