Sunday, October 6, 2013

How much bubble tea are you getting for your buck (or ringgit!)? helps you compare the best credit card offers, balance transfer plans, and personal loans in Malaysia. Proceed with the application online with us, it's easy and quick.

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How much bubble tea are you getting for your buck (or ringgit!)?

Bubble Tea, Pearl Milk Tea, Boba, whatever you call it these tea-based concoctions with treasures of tapioca balls underneath are a hit among Malaysians. In seemed like just yesterday when we noticed this Taiwanese import making an appearance in shopping malls around the Klang Valley. Back then there was only one dominant franchise but nowadays you hardly need to walk a stretch without running into a few bubble tea kiosks.

We’re sure everyone has their favourite brand of slushy bubble teas, just like the crew at RinggitPlus. We decided to find out which bubble tea brand was the ‘best’. Of course we realise that taste is a matter of personal opinion but just to satisfy our curiosity we hit the town to find the franchise that sells the best bubble tea in terms of taste and value.

The contenders lined-up for the challenge are: Cha Time, Ochado, Gong Cha and Come Buy.

Our methodology was simple. Armed with an electronic scale and self-made strainers fashioned out of coffee filters we measured the amount of tea and tapioca balls from each brand and gave a rating based on those criteria.

After an afternoon of merry tea drinking and cleaning up after we present you the results; hopefully answering that pivotal question, how much bubble are you getting for your buck? (or ringgit!):

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