Sunday, October 6, 2013

The new Mobile Payment from Facebook helps you compare the best credit card offers, balance transfer plans, and personal loans in Malaysia. Proceed with the application online with us, it's easy and quick.

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The new Mobile Payment from Facebook

Shopping at online retail stores or websites has been the in-thing over the past few years, there are websites all about ecommerce in Malaysia, yet one major hassle remains for most folks: filling in your credit card information. Facebook might have came up with a solution for that.

Announcing a new autofill product trial a spokesperson for the world's largest social network said:

"We are working on a mobile payments test called Autofill with Facebook that gives people the option to use their payment information already stored on Facebook to populate the payment form when they make a purchase in a mobile app. The app then processes and completes the payment. The test is designed to make it easier and faster for people to make a purchase in a mobile app by simply pre-populating your payment information. Today we started publicly testing Autofill with Facebook on two iOS apps – JackThread and Mosaic."

CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his team at Facebook are rolling out Autofill over the coming weeks. It's a beta trial so it will only work if your credit card info is stored in your Facebook page or account. The principle market for the new time-saving feature is customers who shop from their smartphones, by simply pre-populating your details you will not have to struggle entering your credit card number, name and other security details on a tiny mobile screen. 

The first two apps trialling the service are powered by Braintree and Facebook has plans to work more with them along with both PayPal and Stripe, so it's obvious there are far bigger plans afoot to make shopping on the go even easier!

*Picture courtesy of

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